Can I Question God and Still Have Faith?
Updated: Oct 27, 2021
You question God till the day He abandons you to your own free will that is part of Creation: the first stop is to find a way a reliable way of questioning God in faith that He is so Perfect and Awesome as Almighty that He will answer your questions in any way you chose to approach Him. Have faith that they are genuine answers to even the most simple question for your day-to-day living, so put Him to the test.
If He no longer answers your questions in a reliable manner let go and move on with your life. Go your own way, and write about your detailed questioning of God. Use a simple method of approaching Him with all your questions. I did so by the use of a digital clock where times seen when I approached the clock in total surrender and devotion that amounted to the Number 7 (eg 2.41, 3.04, 6.10, 5.20, 8.08, 9.07, 10.42 etc) were agreed with Him to be affirmative answers and the rest of the numbers that the clock times showed were Negative answers. Put it to the rest but in the deepest bhakti and faith/devotion possible, and see what happens to you, whether you survive in dignity or not. In this manner try and discover the God within your mind and body for it is assumed that God is everywhere as the hypothesis.